Sunday, June 9, 2013

God At Work In Cap Haitien, Haiti

I was in Cap Haitien, Haiti for a few days in early June to make preparation for a Leadership Training Conference (LTC) Truth Connect will conduct here in August.  I was with two friends from the USA who serve with another great NGO called HOLD the children (Htc).  Htc is a child advocacy program that helps poor children in developing countries have a meal, a safe place to stay and a chance to go to school.  Richard Rohde is the Director of this program.  I was with Richard and Gary Stannis, an Htc Advocate.  

Don Schreier, Gary Stannis, Aleonce Bazile, Richard Rohde

Pastor Aleonce Bazile is the national host pastor for Htc in Cap Haitien.  While we were with Pastor Bazile we visited the school/church on two separate days.  On the first day we visited with the 100+ plus students, faculty and staff.  Many of these children are sponsored through Htc.  To learn more about the HOLD program visit or contact Richard at

Don in class with children at HOLD the children school.

HOLD the children sponsorship helps provide a meal, uniform and supplies.

The second day we visited the school the children were gone and over 70 men were there to pour a roof on the second story of the 30' x 50' building.  This was no job for the weak.  Men worked at both ends of the building.  They mixed 300 bags of cement, sand, and rock - scooped and hoisted it in 5 gallon buckets - man to man up a wooden ladder to the top.  It was then wheel-barrowed into place and worked to a finish.  This job took all day in the blazing sun.  Truly, these are hard working men.

Men mix concrete on the ground into a slurry that is scooped into 5 gallon buckets.
These men work all day in the sun, in the mud, on the ladder.

Lifting cement from the ground to second story roof.
Working on the ladder - all day.

Working the roof - by day's end, it was all done!

At the end of the day each man received his day's wages - 160 Haitian dollars or about $20 USD.  In a country were unemployment is over 70 percent, this helped these men to provide for their families.

Hard working men earning a day's wages.

The school/church now has double the space for classrooms and will be able to help more children.  The building, once faced off and painted, will be a source of community pride.

Limonade Alliance Church and School - once finished will be beautiful.

It is in this building that Truth Connect will conduct its August LTC.  Please pray for Truth Connect.  If you would like to help a pastor attend the conference ($50) or support the work of Truth Connect, please send your tax deductible gift to Truth Connect, P.O. Box 5608, Johnstown, PA 15904.  I would love to hear from you!