Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cap Haitien, Haiti Leadership Training Conference. August 19-22, 2013.

Sixty-two church leaders completed a 4 day training conference in Limondae near Cap Haitien, Haiti.
What joy and excitement there was on the final day of the Truth Connect Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in Limonade, near Cap Haitien, Haiti.  The leaders had studied Christ’s command to make disciples and had learned a number of  priciples to be better church and community leaders.  They were anxious to take all they learned to their home churches. 

John Huston, an electrical engineer from Johnstown PA,  teaches principles of leadership.
Dr. Don teaches on discipleship principles and Pastor Bazile interprets.

One group of 17 had traveled six hours by tap-tap (small pick-up truck taxi) in order to attend the training.  They slept on the floor of the church and had no running water or electric.  Yet, they were so happy to participate in the training. 

This church group traveled from St. Louis to be a part of the LTC in Limonade.

Imagine riding in this "tap-tap" for over 6 hours on bumpy roads with 17 people.  That's what one church group did in order to participate in the Truth Connect LTC.

 It was so humbling to be a part of this work to God’s special people who sacrificed greatly to serve Him. 
     Thanks to all who prayed and donated to help make this training available to church leaders.