Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Johnstown, PA to Delhi, India

Indira Gandhi International Airport

Karen and I had a relatively uneventful 30 hours of travel from Johnstown, PA to Delhi India.  I say "relatively uneventful" due to the little bump we experienced at 37,000 feet somewhere between Amsterdam and Delhi.  I was blissfully asleep in my middle row seat (by the way, thank you KLM for giving away the aisle seat I booked 2 months ago and assigning me a middle seat on a totally full flight) when all of a sudden the plane bumped up 300 feet then dropped 1,100 feet.  I awoke to screams and those stumbling around, grabbing whatever they could to keep from falling.  Thank God it was happening for real - I thought I was having a bad dream that our plane was falling out of the sky!  Once I came to my senses - the plane leveled out and the pilot came on the intercom to warn us of "choppy air" - it seemed to me the warning was a bit late.  All that being said, it was a relatively uneventful trip.  I talked with the co-pilot after the flight and he filled me in on the details of the "bump."  I complemented him on the very smooth landing of the 747 Jumbo Jet.  I asked if the pilot landed the plane or if it was done by instrument.  He said due to poor visibility it was an instrument landing as DEL is equipped for this.  Amazing, the computer landed our plane and did an excellent job!

Airport Art

We arrived into Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport at 1am on Tuesday morning.  Immigration and Customs went quickly - our bags were waiting for us and once I changed some USD for INR we taxied to our hotel where we are spending about 30 hours recouping from the long travel day here and the 9-1/2 hour time difference (ahead of EST).  One thing you notice here in Delhi is the haze of pollution.  It smells and you can feel it burn in your lungs.

Karen and I will take a tour of Delhi on Wednesday afternoon and then head to the airport for an evening flight to Hyderbad.  Thursday we begin 4 days of teaching at Star Ministries.  It is the first of two conferences we'll conduct while here in India.