Monday, February 17, 2014

4 Baptized In Water Cistern - Hyderabad, India

It was my privilege to baptize 11 new converts in India.  When Karen and I were with Dr. Sam at Star Ministries, we baptized 7 (see earlier blog-post).  After the Spiritual Life Conference, Pastor Moses asked me to baptize 4 new converts.  It had been two years since their last baptism.  Therefore, these 4 converts were the church's labor of love and evidence of God's continued grace and love.  We began the Saturday baptism events by meeting at Grace Baptist Church, a small congregation of Christ followers that meets in a slum.

Ladies and children sit in the main section of Grace Baptist Church for baptism service.

The men sit in their section during baptism service.

Dr. Don praying over the believers at Grace Baptist Church - Pastor Moses interprets to Telugu.

After I taught a Biblical message on the meaning and significance of Christian baptism, we prayed together before moving four blocks away to a small water cistern big enough for us to baptize four, obedient and courageous Christ followers.

This water cistern is 8 feet below ground level.  The street is just on the other side of the top, left wall.

People walking down the street peek over the cistern wall to see what is happening.

Dr. Don waits for the first baptism candidate to descend into the cistern.

Church members and baptism candidates look down into the cistern.

Dr. Don questions baptism candidate on her desire to follow Christ by faith. 

The second baptism candidate goes into the water in obedience to Christ to command.

Third baptism candidate says she is ready to follow Christ only, forsaking all other gods.

Fourth baptism candidate publicly professes faith in Jesus Christ.

Each baptism candidate publicly professed their faith in Jesus Christ and expressed their desire to be obedient to Christ's command to be baptized.  The fourth candidate was a man who had experience a stroke a few year earlier - his right side was partially paralyzed.  None-the-less, this did not stop him from being baptized.  Men helped him to descend and ascend the steep steps on the side of the cistern.  What a powerful picture of faith and obedience in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Cold, wet, and joyful after their baptism - praise the Lord!

After the baptism, we all meet back at the church for a fellowship meal.