Wednesday, February 26, 2014

40th Anniversary Tour - India's Golden Triangle

Karen and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary (12/29/73) by taking a four day tour of India's Golden Triangle.  After working everyday since arriving in India two weeks earlier, we were ready to tour.  The Golden Triangle includes the cities of New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.  On day 1 we drove the five hours from Delhi to Jaipur and ended the day with a tour of Jaighur Fort.  The world's largest cannon on wheels is located here.

Walking the top of the fort's wall.

We saw plenty of markets like this on our journey.

Day 2 of the tour included an elephant ride up a mountain side to the beautiful Amber Fort.

Elephant ride up to the Amber Fort.

Beautiful architecture and artwork in Amber Fort.

Jaipur is known for the quality and quantity of its precious gems.   Jewelers come from around the world to purchase gems in Jaipur.  I took Karen to a reputable jeweler so she could select a 40th anniversary piece.

Karen shopped for 2 hours before choosing a bracelet to mark our 40th anniversary.

We enjoyed a few more sites in Jairpur and then began the long drive to Agra.  Along the way, we were amazed by the thousands of acres of mustard plant fields.

Thousands of acres of mustard plants.

On our final day in India we visited the Taj Mahal.  Unfortunately, a fog hung over Agra and shrouded the very beautiful and historical Taj Mahal.  None-the-less, the Taj Mahal is spectacular!

Don & Karen visit the Taj Mahal shrouded in fog.
After visiting the Taj Mahal we then drove approximately five hours back to New Delhi.  Later that night we began our 30 hour journey home.  We give God thanks for an incredible 3 week trip to India!