Monday, April 21, 2014

Truth Connect Team to Haiti

Truth Connect was in Haiti for a week of leadership training and evangelistic meetings.  The team of seven rendezvous in Port au Prince, Haiti.  These men all attend Emmanuel Baptist Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

Jim Rummel, Don Schreier, Larry Eshelman, Dave Pitkins, Nick Zindash, Jerry Whysong, Ed Miller (left to right)

Traveling to Port de Paix from Port au Prince is not easy.  In years past we would take a 45 minute commuter flight on a small bush plane.  But, these flights are no longer available and therefore the trip must be made over land.  We hired a fifteen passenger van and driver to take us the 125-ish miles.  The first half of the trip is over decently paved roads.  The city Goniaves is the where the road turns from good to bad and the ride slows down and becomes very bumpy and dusty.

The road from Port au Prince to Gonaives is good - from Gonaive to Port de Paix is bad.

After a six hour over land ride, our team reached Port de Paix and the Breeze Marina Hotel.  I have been staying at the Breeze for the past 15 years.  It is a comfortable and safe place with a good location - central to our work in town and in Lavaud.

Breeze Marina Hotel at sun rise.

At the Breeze Marina our team met up with Richard Rohde and the Mission Discovery team.  Rich led a team of 18 that ministered at HOLD the children Home in Lavaud (visit or

We have a busy week ahead.  In the next post I'll give you a tour of the streets of Port de Paix.