Monday, February 6, 2017

India Training Conferences ~ January 2017

Truth Connect (TC) was in India for two training conferences in January, 2017.  Pastor Moses Kancharla and the Berea Baptist Church in Chintal, Hyderabad hosted both a Spiritual Life Conference (SLC) and a Leadership Training Conference (LTC).  This was TC's fifth successful trip to India to encourage and equip Church leaders.  Dr. Donald Schreier and his wife, Karen, were the teachers for both conferences.  The SLC's focus was on the spiritual and practical lessons learned from the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament.  The LTC's focus was on leadership lessons learned from Old Testament Kings.  The LTC hosted pastors from more than 200 kilometers away.  Truth Connect gives God thanks for His providential blessing and protection during this time of travel and training.  Truth Connect thanks all of its prayer partners and financial supporters who invest in this ministry.

Pastor Moses, Enosh "Happy", and Ratnah Kancharla were the conference hosts & hostess.

SLC participants listen attentively.  The Indian church is hungry for God's word!

Dr. Don and Auntie Karen were the conference speakers. 

Pastor Moses interpreted for Dr. Don for both SLC & LTC.

Indian ladies in their colorful saris love to study God's word.

Entire families participated in the SLC.

Indian pastors digging into the LTC lessons.

Indian pastors learning how God prepared King David to lead His people.

The pastors contrast the good and bad leadership characteristics Israel's kings.

Each learning session began with traditional Indian worship music and songs of praise to Jesus.

Karen ministered and encouraged the Indian ladies.

What a beautiful group of believers!

Certificates of achievement were given at both SLC and LTC.

After each teaching session the people would come for prayer.

Praying over God's little ones.

The Indian girls wear lots of bright colors and jewelry.

This father and son were key helpers for the SLC & LTC.

The Indian tradition of honoring guests and saying "thank you" is to place a shaw over the shoulders and a garland of flowers around the neck.  Pastor Moses honored Dr. Don and Ratnah honored Karen.  It was a wonderful end to a great week of learning and deepening friendships.