Truth Connect had a unique opportunity to meet with a highly placed official in the Haitian government. Mr. Antonio Rodrigue, Chancellor and Haitian Minister of Foreign Affairs & Religion, met with Pastor Cherelus Exanté, Pastor Terry Beatty and Dr. Donald Schreier in his Port au Prince office on April 6, 2018. Pastor Cherelus became friends with Mr. Rodrigue while he served as the Haitian Ambassador to the Bahamas. Mr. Rodrigue expressed his appreciation to Pastor Cherelus for his work in Haiti. He also expressed appreciation for the work Truth Connect is doing to encourage and equip Haitian church leaders. Dr. Schreier gave Mr. Rodrigue a gift of three books on leadership by John C. Maxwell. The meeting concluded with the three ministers praying God's blessings and guidance over Mr. Rodrigue. (See a brief bio on Mr. Rodrigue following the pictures.)
Mr. Antonio Rodrigue, Dr. Donald Schreier |
Pastor Cherelus Exanté, Mr. Antonio Rodrigue, Dr. Donald Schreier |
Pastor Terry Beatty, Mr. Antonio Rodrigue, Pastor Cherelus Exanté |
Mr. Antonio Rodrigue's Bio:
He began his career in Haiti as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then in Switzerland as Consul General of the Republic of Haiti in Geneva. He was also Minister Counselor, Chargé d'Affaires ai, to the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in France in the 1980s, to the Permanent Mission of Haiti to the UN, in New York, where he remained for nearly 10 years, before being transferred to the Embassy of Haiti in Venezuela in 1999, as Minister Counselor, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. In 2001, Antonio Rodrigue was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Haiti to the Kingdom of Spain. He was also Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. He was recently appointed to Brussels, Belgium, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the European Union (EU) and to the Kingdom of Belgium (2015), before returning to Spain for the second time, at the head of the Haitian Diplomatic Mission, at the end of 2016. Since 20 March 2017, Antonio Rodrigue has become the new Chancellor of Haiti, in the Government of Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant.