Truth Connect ( partnered with Christian Best Camps of Kenya (CBCK) to present a virtual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya. The event took place November 2 & 3, 2020. Pastor Erick Simba, founder and director of CBCK, hosted the two day LTC in their community center in the heart of Kibera. Erick's story is amazing and compelling. He was raised in Kibera. He left the slum for training and a better life; then God brought him back to minister to the good people who call Kibera home. CBCK has brought a number of life saving and life giving initiatives to the slum. They have built a community center, bakery, study areas for the children as well as a play ground and basketball court. Please visit CBCK's web site to learn more about this amazing ministry ( ).
It was in the CBCK community center that the LTC was held. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only 80 people were permitted to attend. Simba was host and moderator for the LTC. Truth Connect provided the training materials (Church Leadership: Pastors and Deacons, Qualifications & Roles, by Donald J. Schreier) and Dr. Don Schreier was the conference trainer. Zoom was the virtual platform used to connect trainer and students. There is an 8 hour time differential between Kenya and Johnstown, PA, where Truth Connect is located. Therefore, Dr. Don taught from 2am to 9:30am (EST) or 10am to 4:30pm in Nairobi. The training was a huge success! The leaders asked for another LTC as soon as possible.
A very special THANKS to all Truth Connect prayer warriors and donors. You made this event possible by your faithful prayers and generous gifts. Thank you.
Pastor Erick & Yasmine Simba, Founders of CBCK, Nairobi, Kenya. |
Leaders listen during LTC training on the role of church leaders. |
Zoom platform allowed Dr. Schreier to teach from his office in PA, USA. |
Dr. Schreier's book, Church Leadership: Pastors & Deacons Qualifications and Roles, was reprinted in both English and Swahili for LTC participants. |
Each LTC participant received a Certificate of Achievement. |
Between sessions drinks and snacks were provided.
Special prayers were made for the USA as it was election day, November 3, 2020. |
A graduation / celebration cake was cut and served at the conclusion of the LTC. |