Sunday, January 27, 2013

India - A Beautiful Country & People. 1.27.13

India is truly a beautiful country.  Its people are gracious and kind.  Pastor Ray and I are just a few hours from departing this country for the USA.

We have been touring the Golden Triangle for the past four days.  We left Delhi for Jaipur on Thursday and began our sight seeing at the Observatory.

An Observatory time piece, accurate to within 2 seconds - constructed hundred of years ago.

On Friday we then visited the Amber Fort.  We rode an elephant up the approach ramp to the mountain top fortress.  Once there, we were amazed at the beauty of the architecture and the attention to detail.  While Ray was taking pictures of the fort, I noticed people taking pictures of Ray and his tattoos.

Ray and Don riding an elephant at the Amber Fort, Jaipur India.

Can you believe it?! Look at the carvings on the wall and people are photographing Ray!

On Saturday we took a safari in the Ranthembore Tiger Preserve.  We didn't see any tigers but there were plenty of deer, peacocks, parrots, crocodiles, and other animals.  The temperature was in the low 30s when we departed.  For some reason I wasn't expecting India to be as cold as we have experienced these past three weeks.

Ray on a tiger safari at Ranthembore.

Lastly, we visited the Taj Mahal on Sunday morning.  There are not enough superlatives to described this 17th century tomb.  It is amazing to see and touch the detailed marble carvings.  It truly is a work of art.  We finished up our tour of Agra by visiting the Red Fort.  It was all impressive.

Don & Ray at the Taj Mahal.

Ray and I are on our way home.  We have been in India for three weeks - first visiting Pastor Moses and the Berea Baptist Church in Hyderbad - then visiting my friend George Chavanikamannil at New Theological College in Dehra Dun - and finally taking a few days to see historical sites.  It has been good - all good.  We give God thanks for His protection, guidance, and provision in it all.  To God be all the glory, honor and praise!