Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Delhi. 1.11.13

Ray and I made it into Indira Ghandi International Airport (DEL in travel speak) at about midnight local time.  We then processed through immigration and customs easily.  The only "speed bump" in our travel was transferring from IGIA to our hotel.  A driver from the hotel was to be waiting for us with a name placard - he wasn't - so we took a taxi that ended up being very expensive.  All in all, the past two day's travel have gone very smoothly.  I give God thanks for that!  And, I thank our friends around the world who are praying for us.

We are 10 1/2 hours ahead of EST- ten time zones.  Ray and I will spend Friday in Delhi resting and adjusting to the time change.  Tomorrow we fly south to Hyderbad - I'm looking forward to seeing our friends there and learning what the Lord is doing - He is the famous One!