Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reaching & Teaching Is Relational

It has been said that you can impress people from a distance but you can only impact them close up. God spoke from heaven and it was impressive. Scripture says, “in these last days [God] has spoken to us in His Son” (Hebrews 1:2). Jesus Christ, God incarnate, walked among us and it was truly impactful - people were healed of diseases, freed from evil spirits, raised from the dead, and confronted by the Truth. Jesus was always reaching out and teaching people the truth about God and man. He offered hope for this life and the life to come. Jesus Christ is the hope of nations! The best way to let people know this good news is to go to them - reach out in love and tell them.
Truth Connect is dedicated to going, reaching and teaching people that God loves them. Jesus did it personally - so must we. I was in the Bahamas to meet with church leaders to prepare for upcoming Leadership Training Conferences (LTCs) to be held both in the Bahamas and Haiti.  I have done mission work in the Bahamas over the past 20 years. During that time I made many good friends there.
Garvin is a powerful witness and man of God.
Garvin is a 31 year old man who has Cerebral Palsy and has lived at All Saints Camp for most of his life. Garvin is such a man of faith in God and inspiration. Even though he cannot travel but inches on his own, he has impacted the world. How? Since he cannot go to the world - God has brought the world to him. Many people have come to serve him, only to be encouraged and blessed by Garvin’s reach and teaching.
Adam and Don at All Saints Camp on New Providence Island, the Bahamas.
Adam is one of those blessed. I met Adam in Yantai, China. He was teaching at an international school where I did a presentation. I told Adam about the special people at All Saints Camp. Adam is now studying for his Masters degree in Oklahoma and brings undergraduates to serve at All Saints - to reach and teach close up.
Alley and Don making funny faces together - a weird love language.  
Alley is the son of Pastor and Mrs. Bazile. This little boy is very special. He loves Jesus and is not afraid to say it, sing it, and show it. One of my favorite places to visit when in the Bahamas is Pastor Bazile’s home. Alley and his younger brother Keshner love to play.  I know that these young boys are being impacted by the “blanc” (me) who plays ball with them, laughs and makes funny faces. There is something about touching people in love that enables them to connect to Truth.
We are all teaching people something about ourselves and God. Jesus said you know a tree by its fruit. Who are you reaching and teaching? And just as important, what do your actions and words teach? It has been said, “Actions express priorities.” May our actions and words point people to God’s love, forgive- ness, and hope in Jesus Christ. Remember, you can impress people from a distance, but you can only impact them close up.