Thursday, September 10, 2015

Haiti Evangelistic Outreach ~ 95 Trust Christ

Evangelist outreach in Limonade, Haiti.
Cap Haitien, HAITI.  Hundreds of Haitians raised their hands in praise and thanks to God.  They came out each night to hear a word from God. Each year in August Pastor Bazile organizes and hosts an evangelistic outreach in his home town of Limonade (5 miles east of Cap Haitien). Truth Connect’s ministry team, there for a Leadership Training Conference (LTC), participated in the evangelistic outreach.  The crusade ran from Sunday to Sunday ~ 8 days of high energy, enthusiastic praise for 3 hours nightly, non-stop.  The people actively worshiped by raising their hands, dancing and jumping up and down as guided by the worship leader. At times  large clouds of dust enveloped the people like smoke, created by many  feet pounding on the dry goat pasture to ”stomp on de devil!”  Then the music slowed and the crowd became quiet as the preacher stepped forward  to deliver the Word of God. A very simple gospel message was preached.  God loves you.  Jesus suffered and died in your place to pay the penalty of your sins. He was raised from the dead and now wants to be your Savior.  Turn from your sins and believe in Jesus Christ for forgiveness, real hope and peace, love and new life.  In response 95 people gave their live’s to Christ by faith ~ new believers with new life!