Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Brief Stop & Visit In Nairobi, Kenya. October 2018.

Truth Connect was in Africa for three weeks to train church leaders.  After teaching  Leadership Training Conferences (LTCs) in Eldoret and Lumakanda, Kenya (see previous posts), I made a brief stop in Nairobi to visit my niece and her husband.  Lindsay and Rhett have worked in Nairobi for the past year and half.  It was a joy to visit them and get up close with orphaned baby elephants at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trusts' Orphans' Project.

Rhett and Lindsay. October 2018.

Feeding time for baby elephants. 

Lindsay and Rhett adopted one of these baby elephants to help provide for its care.

They may be "babies" but they are still big and pushy. October 2108.

What a unique opportunity to visit these beautiful animals up close! October 2018.