Friday, October 25, 2019

Leadership Training Conference in Lumakanda, Kenya. October 17-18, 2019

Truth Connect conducted its third annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) at Lumakanda Baptist Church, Lumakanda, Kenya.  Pastor Martin Shikuku organized the conference and Pastors Julius and Enosh were the hosts.  The two day conference served 66 church leaders.  Dr. Donald Schreier and Mr. Moses Colon were the conference trainers.  Mr. Colon taught verse by verse through the book of Ephesians.  Dr. Schreier taught on the importance of the local church and its leaders.  He also taught a session on the 4 steps to Bible study and exegesis. The leaders were very enthusiastic learners and participants. Truth Connect is committed to training church leaders so that they can better lead in the homes, churches and communities for the glory of God and the magnification of the name of Jesus Christ.

Leadership Training Conference, Lumakanda, Kenya.  October 17-18, 2019

Mr. Colon with host Pastor Enosh.

Each leader was registered for the LTC and given a booklet, pen and tablet.

Leaders listening and learning at the LTC.

Mr. Colon teaching with the help of his Swahili interpreter.

Local leaders at the LTC.

These godly ladies prepared lunch for the LTC participants each day.

She is making the best chapatis on an open fire for lunch.

Pastors practicing the 4 steps to Bible study: observe, interpret, correlate, apply.

This older pastor eagerly searching the Word of God - priceless!

Leaders fellowshipping at tea break.

The ladies who served tea pose proudly with their LTC certificates.

So happy to receive her LTC certificate from Mr. Colon and Dr. Schreier.

Pastor Shikuku, Dr. Schreier, Pastor Julius at the LTC conclusion.