Monday, March 9, 2020

Spiritual Life Conference, Hyderabad, India. February 2020.

Truth Connect was in India to teach a Leadership Training Conference (LTC, see previous post) and a Spiritual Life Conference (SLC) February 20-21, 2020.  Pastor Moses Kancharla and the Berea Baptist Church hosted the two day, all day long SLC.  Dr. Schreier taught the SLC that focused on the  Seven Churches of Revelation 2-3.  The SLC began with the group of 65 first learning the 4 Steps of Inductive Bible Study. Then they were divided into 7 different groups and assigned one of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 to study and give a report on to the entire group.  Study questions were given to the groups to research.  After each group made their presentation, Dr. Schreier then added details about each church's culture and history during the first century.  Finally, the SLC focused on what the church today can learn and apply from the seven churches of Revelation 2-3.  It was an exciting, fun and engaging way of learning the truth of Scripture.

The Berea Baptist Church, Chintal, India hosted the Truth Connect Spiritual  Life Conference.

Spiritual Life Conference attendees learning the 4 Steps of Inductive Bible Study.
The women and children were eager learners at the SLC.
Study group searching the Scripture and preparing to share their findings.
Study group.
Study group.
Working hard to learn from one of the seven churches of Revelation 2-3.

Study group sharing their findings from Revelation 2-3.

Study group reporting on their church from Revelation 2-3.

Ladies of the church prepared lunch-time meals for the SLC participants.

Truth Connect Spiritual Life Conderence, Chintal, India. February 20-21, 2020.

Dr. Schreier is given the traditional welcome, honor and thank you by wrapping a cloth shaw around his shoulders and placing a flower necklace around his neck.