Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Haiti for Valentines Day. 2.14-18.12

It has been five months since I was last in Haiti and I saw small, positive signs of change on this visit. As we drove away from Port-au-Prince airport I noticed many of the tents that had filled the nearby park and grassy field southwest of the runway were gone – where or how, I was not sure. Later I learned this was just a public relations move as many other tent cities still existed – just as they have for the past two years since the earthquake. Other signs of progress I saw included moving traffic, working stop lights and bustling street markets.

Our team of seven rented a van and drove from Port-au-Prince to Port-de-Paix – about 130 miles or, 8 to 10 hours (depending on who is driving). The road is paved from Port-au-Prince to Gonaϊves but rough, rocky and slow from Gonaϊves to Port-de-Paix. On the latter part of the drive we had to ford two rivers and a number of huge “lakes” in the road. I learned to wait and follow tap-taps (public transport pick-up trucks) through the large pot-holes – just to be safe.

While in Port-de-Paix we visited HOLD the children Home, the orphanage in Lavaud that houses 32 children (learn more about this at Pastor Exanté Cherelus and I held an ordination examination and then conducted an ordination service for Rony Senat. I had the privilege of preaching the message at this service. Pastor and Mrs. Senat have a small house church in Gonaϊves. Two weeks ago Pastor Senat along with other leaders in Gonaϊves conducted a week long evangelistic crusade – over fifty people became followers of Jesus Christ. Our final task in Port-de-Paix was to meet with pastors and plan for the April evangelistic outreach. We have done this annual outreach for over ten years and have witnessed well over a thousand people become followers of Jesus Christ. Mission Discovery has been integral in this work over the years (visit

Truth Connect, although a new ministry, has long ties with Haiti. Karen and I have been working in Haiti since 1999. Please pray for Pastor Exanté Cherelus, Pastor Aleonce Bazile and their families. Both of these men are Haitian pastors and leaders of their people both in Haiti and the Bahamas. Please pray for Truth Connect – the seed of this ministry has been sown in fertile Kingdom soil in a plot known as “this world” (Matthew 13:37-ff) – may God give the increase for His glory!