Saturday, February 11, 2012

Truth Connect - The Beginning

Welcome to Truth Connect's initial blog! Truth Connect began January 1, 2012 and was created as a Christian non-profit organization to help train church leaders around the world. Don and Karen Schreier are its founders.

Truth Connect exists to glorify God by connecting first world church leaders with third world churches for the purpose of training in Bible and leadership principles, developing symbiotic church relationships, and empowering communities through evangelism and sustainable health initiatives.

Even though Truth Connect is a new ministry it is an idea that Don had been working on for years. He learned while serving as a mission's project-coordinator with Mission Discovery for the past 20 years that there are many church leaders who lack any kind of training. Christian leaders who are called to serve a local church - who are passionate about the ministry, but who lack training in the Bible and leadership principles.

Truth Connect wants to help connect Christian trainers (those who are passionate followers of Jesus Christ, who know the Bible, leadership principles, and/or life improving ideas) with those who need and want to learn how to better serve their churches and communities.

Truth Connect works with church leaders in third world countries such as Haiti, Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Somalia. These leaders know the needs of their countries and have the necessary authority to arrange training opportunities. Truth Connect recruits qualified Christian volunteer trainers who are committed to sharing what God has entrusted to them via training and experience. It becomes a win-win opportunity for churches "there" and "here."

Churches in the first world have much to learn from churches in the third world. Christians in the third world have great faith in God. They are devoted to following God even when it means they must suffer for their Christian walk. Christians in the third world know how to survive in the most difficult circumstances. Churches in the first and third world truly need each other. Therefore, Truth Connect encourages third and first world churches to develop symbiotic relationships that encourage and help one another.

This is how we have come to know love: He [Christ] laid down His life for us. We should lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has this world's goods and sees his brother in need but shuts off his compassion from him - how can God's love reside in him? Little children, we must not love in word or speech, but in action and truth.... 1 John 3:16-18.