Saturday, December 29, 2012

39th Wedding Anniversary - Amazing Grace!

Thirty nine years ago today on December 29th, 1973 Karen Harrison and I were married.  God has blessed us in amazing ways - it is truly Amazing Grace.

Don & Karen - celebrating their 39th wedding anniversary! 

Karen and I were high school sweethearts.  I proposed marriage to her in our senior year of school and she accepted.  We kept this a secret until after we graduated.  I left for Unites States Marine Corps boot camp in August of 1973 and sorely missed Karen while at Parris Island.  The drill instructors tried to help me forget Karen - but when the lights went out at the end of the day and after we sang the Marine Corps hymn as we lay at attention in our racks, my heart ached for her.  When I came home on leave in November, I found Karen working behind the jewelry counter at Gee Bee's department store and I said something like "Let's get married as soon as possible."  And, we did just a few weeks later at Pleasant Hill Church of the Brethren on Benshoff Hill, Johnstown PA.

Karen and I spent three years in the USMC.  Two life changing events happened during our time in the service.  The first involved my Christian journey.  Karen's faith and walk with Jesus inspired and drew me to Him.  I wanted the joy, peace, and sincere love for God she had.  She led me to the Bridge of belief that I crossed over by faith on September 24, 1974.  I went from being a curious follower of Jesus Christ to being a committed, passionate follower of the Savior.  It was life changing!  I not only gained new life in Christ, I also gained a new friend.  The Sunday I walked to the altar to make a public profession of my faith,  I met there Ron Slater.  Ron has remained a good friend of our family to this day.

Gretchen & Michael

The second life changing event happened on September 3, 1975 when Gretchen Alina was born at the base Navy hospital in Jacksonville, NC.  This was no ordinary event.  I delayed taking Karen to the hospital because I was busy timing her contractions and following to the letter the "Lamaze, natural child birth law."  When she told me the baby was coming - I told her it wasn't because her contractions were not close enough ... she was right and I was wrong.  We ended up with a military police escort racing us to the hospital.  The hospital staff was waiting for us when we arrived and rushed Karen inside.  In the short time it took me to park the vehicle and run inside - the baby was born!  Gretchen is such a blessing to our family.  She has made her own mark for good and God in this world.  After becoming an RN she served as a missionary in both the Bahamas and Africa.  She lived for a year in Zambia, where she worked in a jungle hospital training young Zambian women to become nurses.  Today she is married to Michael Swinger and they have two children with a third child due in a few weeks.  They live in Seoul, Korea where Michael teaches in a school and influences boys and girls for Christ.  We're so proud of both Mike and Gretchen.  Karen and I are blessed of God!

Alina Jewel & Madilyn Jade - sisters

Karen holding Madi, Gretchen holding Alina

After leaving the USMC in 1976 and returning to Johnstown, I became a coal miner and worked deep under ground.   Karen then delivered our second child on January 29, 1977 - and again, no ordinary birth experience would do.  There was a blizzard on this day in Johnstown - freezing, blowing snow with roads closed.  None-the-less we made it to the hospital where Jason Daniel was born.  What a fine man Jason is.  He is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy where he earned a bachelor's degree in engineering and Coast Guard certification.  After sailing on ships and traveling around the world for ten years, he is now a port engineer in Long Beach, California.  I admire Jason's faith in the Lord Jesus and his desire to help others find wholeness and life in Christ.  Karen and I are blessed of God!

Jason & Don
Uncle Jason enjoying his nieces,  Madi & Alina.

Life's journey for Karen and me over the past 39 years has been challenging, interesting, fun and best of all - not over yet!  God has been so good to us each step of the way.  The Lord is faithful to His Word and to all who call upon His name by faith.  We have enjoyed His favor these many years - by His grace alone - Amazing Grace!  

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."  Ephesians 2:8-10.

God's amazing grace -  our family - for His glory.  Amen!

Photos by Erin McDonald Photography.  Thanks Erin!  You're a real pro and a good friend!