Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eldoret - Nairobi - Amsterdam - New York - Pittsburgh - home

Rich Rohde and I are on our way home.  The above title is our flight itinerary - I make this blog post from Amsterdam.  

God showed Rich and me many things this past week and spoke to our hearts in powerful ways.  Rich was investigating opportunities for HOLD the children (www.holdthechildren.org) and I was doing the set-up work for a Leadership Training Conference (LTC) next May.  

Thanks to those who prayed for us.  Thanks to those of you who support HOLD the children and Truth Connect ministries.  Your prayers and financial support are making a difference in the world by making a difference in needy hearts - one at a time.  

Dr. Don preaching on Sunday in Eldoret, Kenya.
This young woman trusted Jesus as her Savior!  Pastor Chris prays with her and gives her a Bible.

Rich Rohde with Pastor Chris, Wife Tabitha, Blessing and Angel.