Friday, December 14, 2012

Eldoret, Kenya. 12.14.12.

Things do not always go as planned.  When on a mission trip a key word is “flexibility”!  

Today we traveled to the small town of Kapsabut, located about 50 kilometers south of Eldoret.  We were told to anticipate a crowd of 100 but only about 25 leaders and folks from the community showed-up for our outdoor meeting.  My word to the Bishop, who was disappointed by the small turnout, was that whether five or fifty show-up, God is sovereign and we’ll rest in that.  

Church leaders and friends in Kapsaput.
Brother Rich Rohde gave a greeting and shared a brief message from his favorite Bible verse, Ephesians 2:10.  I was then asked to share what God had laid on my heart.  I was prepared to share with the church leaders on the importance of making disciple-makers in obedience to Christ’s command in Matthew 28:18-20.  But, while I was listening to Rich speak, I noticed six little boys sitting on a back bench and felt compelled to tell them God loved them.  Therefore, I began by sharing John 3:16, a familiar yet powerful word about God’s love in Jesus Christ and our need to believe in Him for life and healing.  I finished my talk by challenging the leaders to make disciple-makers.  We then shared with the folks about next year’s Truth Connect event here.
Rich sharing - notice the six little boys.
There is an excitement here among the church leaders for the upcoming Truth Connect Leadership Training Conference (LTC).  The LTC was originally planned for March but due to the upcoming election and the potential for violence, the LTC is now set for May 8-12, 2013.  The leaders have asked Truth Connect to address certain issues of importance to them during the conference.  I will now begin to recruit Bible teachers and trainers to help me with this conference.  I will also need prayer warrior-walkers on the trip and others to help with the conference.  If this trip sounds interesting to you and God is speaking to your heart - please contact me and I will give you more details.

Dr. Don with Bishop Chris (middle left) and pastors.
Tomorrow we will travel 3 hours northwest to Kitale located near the Kenyan - Ugandan border.  We will meet with church leaders and visit an orphanage and Bible school.  I’ll be sharing the Word with the Bible students.  I’ll let you know how that went in the next blog post.  Thanks for praying over this trip.