Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kitale, Kenya. 12.15.12.

We left Eldoret and drove north and west for almost three hours to Kitale.  Kitale is only 20 kilometers from the Ugandan border - I was tempted to ask Bishop Chris to drive us there, but we were already late for our first visit.

Orphaned children at Faith Acadmey.
Faith Academy is a school and orphanage for approximately 70 children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic here and political violence.  The children welcomed us with a song and Bible memory verse - very nicely done.  The matrons who care for these children are truly special.  It was obvious that they love the children and the kids knew it.  Richard Rohde, Director of “HOLD the children” child sponsorship program was investigating future ministry opportunities - this place seems a great possibility.

Rich greets each orphan with a touch and word of blessing.
Word of Life Orphanage was our next stop.  This orphanage and school is situated on property owned by Word of Life Harvest Church.  It is the goal of Bishop Chris, founder of both orphanages,  to move Faith Academy to this site and combine the orphanages for better and more cost effective care.  The children here welcomed us with a song they performed both vocally and by sign language.  There are 60 children enrolled in this school.  The matrons here are very loving and attentive to the children.  There is also a church at this site led by Pastor and Mrs. Jack and Pastor Thomas.  In spite of their great poverty, there is a wonderful work being accomplished with a sweet, sweet love for Jesus Christ.  

Orphans at Word of Life Orphanage & School.
Our last visit in Kitale was to Word of Life Bible College.  This school offers a certificate program in Bible for local church leaders.  There are 100 students currently enrolled in the school.  We listened to the testimonies of students who extolled the value of the Bible school in such a needy area.  Like each place we visited today, there are great needs at the school.   The principal asked if we could help with study materials, Bibles,  chalk boards and furniture.  It is amazing to see so much being accomplished in Jesus name with so few resources.  Bishop Chris, the founder of this school, asked me to bring a Word of encouragement to the staff and students.  It was my joy to teach the Word of God to eager students.  It is my hope that we can help this school in its mission to train church leaders in far western Kenya.  

                                      Dr. Don teaches at Bible school and Bishop Chris interprets.
It was after 6pm when we finally returned to our hotel.  Bishop Chris has asked me to provide the teaching in the church tomorrow (Sunday School) and then to preach during the worship service.  I’ll let you know how that goes in the next post.