Sunday, December 9, 2012

Truth Connect Visits Kenya

Richard Rohde and Don Schreier are on their way to Kenya this week.  They are going to visit with Bishop Lusweti and his leadership team in Eldoret, western Kenya.  Their mission is to set-up a Leadership Training Conference for March of 2013.  Lord willing, Don will be posting updates with pictures each day or as he is able.

Rich Rohde, Director of HOLD the children.
They would greatly appreciate your prayers for guidance and safety.  Richard is the Director of "HOLD the children," a child advocacy and sponsorship program, he also serves on Truth Connect's board of directors.  God is leading both men for His purpose and it is for this reason they give thanks and praise to the Him.  Don is looking forward to sharing their experience in Africa with you!
Don & Karen Schreier, Founders of Truth Connect.