Sunday, November 25, 2012

John Huston - My First Trip to Haiti

Pastor Exante and John Huston in Haiti.

Traveling to Haiti for the first time in November 2012 has allowed me a glimpse of Heaven.  Some may say that’s a strong statement but let me explain.  Our purpose for this trip was to provide training in regard to organizational leadership and disciple making.  Dr. Don Schreier, President of Truth Connect Ministries, organized the trip as one of several planned as his new ministry becomes established.  He has spent over 15 years ministering to the Haitian people, primarily in the Port de Paix area.  He has seen a need to train up pastors and lay leaders to help them become more effective in leading their churches.  They have many passionate, dedicated   individuals but in some cases have not had formal training to help them operate as efficiently as they could.  Their resources are very limited and they need to use them as wisely as they can.  

John teaches through his interpreter.

The pastors are accomplished and educated men and women who have formal training but may not have leadership training that are common to U.S. executives.  The sessions went well and there were between 85 and 100 participants a day.  The attendees were focused and had excellent questions and interaction.  We answered questions that dealt with pertinent issues they were dealing with and that they needed guidance with.  This showed that the sessions were needed, wanted and successful, but that is only part of it.  It seemed apparent to me that the information we were providing them was equal to us providing a meal to a hungry crowd.  The best part for me personally was the fellowship and worship.

John preaches during evening service.
Each evening there was a community worship service that was attended by not only the participants, but local church members and members of the community as well.  The service started late enough in the evening that most of the neighboring places of business were dark and the sun had set.  The church was running on a generator and as anyone drove up in the evening, the lights looked like a beacon through the darkness that drew people in.  The passion in the service was most evident with the vibrant songs and energizing sermons.  Language is only a minimal barrier when it comes to sharing the love of Christ.  The song and word were full of love and worship.    

John and Ducasse share a greeting.
The attendees were very appreciative that we came and provide the training.  They cheerfully greeted us as we arrived and departed each day. The time shared with new friends was incredibly valuable.  It opened my eyes to not only the struggles of the Haitians, but also the passionate and hard working pastors and laymen who lead their churches in this environment.  I plan to keep in touch with my brothers in Christ, with some exchanged contact info.  I saw the glimpse of heaven in the shared passion for Christ, the openness of study, worship and praise.  There will be a day when we all worship without any other purpose except to glorify God, with a purity, and simple love that seems rare in many churches.  Truth Connect is making a difference to these pastors and their congregations.  Pastor Don provides a cool glass of water to leaders who are weary and need refreshment.