Monday, October 7, 2013

Nassau, Bahamas Leadership Conference 9/13 - Success!

Truth Connect's September 2013 Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in Nassau, Bahamas was a great success.  Each evening approximately 45 church leaders and seminary students gathered to learn leadership principles from God's word.  Dr. Donald Schreier was the instructor for the week.

Church leaders and seminary students attend Truth Connect's Leadership Training Conference.

Brother Rene was Dr. Schreier's interpreter for the week.

Pastor Bazile, Dr. Schreier, Pastor Exante

Pastor Exante and his wife Ann were conference Host and Hostess.

Conference attendees.

On the final night of the conference each attendee receives a certificate of accomplishment.

Sister Mita cooked Dr. Schreier's favorite Haitian meal - creole chicken.   

Tim & Felicia Ryan are missionaries serving at All Saints Camp.
They are good friends of Truth Connect.