Monday, November 4, 2013

Bibles For African Church Leaders

Truth Connect's Leadership Training Conference in Eldoret, Kenya in October 2013 registered 230 participants.  Church leaders came from cities and villages in Kenya and Uganda.  One of the high points of the conference was the distribution of Swahili and English Bibles along with notebooks and pens.  These materials were given by generous donors who wanted to encourage and bless their Christian brothers and sisters.  Once the materials were received - Truth Connect trainers led conference participants in a study of the Word of God.

Dr. Don distributes Swahili and English Bibles to African church leaders.

African church leaders show their Bibles, pens and notebooks provided by donors from the USA.

Placing Bibles into the hands of church leaders is a Truth Connect priority.

African church leaders listen and learn with eagerness as the Holy Spirit was Teacher via a
Truth Connect facilitator.