Sunday, November 10, 2013

Visiting orphans in Kenya

Truth Connect conducted a Leadership Training Conference in Eldoret, Kenya last month.  It was a huge success.  Our training team finished its classes early one day so we could travel two hours by car to the northwest town of Kitale.  Bishop Chris and Word of Life Harvest Church has a ministry to orphans in Kitale.  Richard Rohde, Director of "HOLD the children," a child advocacy and sponsorship program was working to bring one of the school/orphanage on-line with his program.  To learn more visit  Truth Connect endorses this ministry and encourages you to consider sponsoring a child through "HOLD the children."

Lead teacher briefs our team on some of the challenges she is facing.

Bishop Chris, Linda Gundlach, Gerry Whysong, and Rich Rohde listen to the children.

Our first stop in Kitale - what a joy to see the children and loving staff.

Dr. Don blesses the children in Jesus name.  After each blessing, the child responded, "Amen."

School / orphanage 2 - the children sang upon our arrival.

God's beautiful children in Kitale, Kenya school.

The children were given a piece of bread and cup of drink during our visit.