Thursday, December 19, 2013

"A Voice in the Night"… an incredible true story!

"'Surprise!' The voice boomed in my ear, rousing me from a deep sleep … it was pitch dark inside my family's hut. …. 'Surprise!'  The voice was louder and more insistent than before.  I sat up. 'Yes? Who are you? What do you want?'  The voice was masculine, strong, and deep. 'Get out of the house.  If you do not leave, you will die.'" 

So begins the exciting story of the fifteen year old boy named Surprise Sithole in A Voice in the Night (Bloomington, MN: Chosen Books, 2012).  What follows is a series of truly amazing and many times miraculous events in the life of this teenager.  Surprise's story telling will keep you on the edge of your seat with anticipation and will encourage your heart with the intimacy of God's care and love demonstrated over and over again.

I really enjoyed reading Surprise's story and learning how God is working in southern Africa to bring many people to faith in Jesus Christ.  The book could have been titled Acts 29 as it follows the pattern of stories given in the book of Acts, chapters 1 through 28.  As much as I enjoy reading novels, I find well written biographies more captivating, educational, and inspiring - and such is this book.

God is at work all around us (John 5:17).  He is calling people to Himself from all ethnic people groups and out of all religions.  National borders, military might, and religious pogroms cannot stop - will not stop the Spirit of God from calling out a people who by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, find forgiveness, love, hope and life in God.