Monday, December 2, 2013

Pastor Willy's New Ride In Cap Haitien

Pastor Willy on his new tricycle thanks to Truth Connect donors.

Pastor Willy has a new ride!  

In August Truth Connect conducted a Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in Cap Haitien, Haiti (see earlier blog-post about this event).  Approximately 65 church and community leaders attended the four day conference.  One of the pastors who attended had a severe physical handicap and moved about primarily on his tricycle.  What was so impressive about this man of God was his positive attitude and gritty persistence.  Pastor Willy always had a smile - in spite of his difficult circumstances.  When we learned he hand-pedaled his tricycle over five miles to be a part of the LTC - we were humbled by his determination to "hear a word from God."

Pastor Willy on his old tricycle.

Pastor Willy's tricycle was old and falling apart.  When I returned to the USA I shared his story with the friends of Truth Connect.  Supporters wanted to help Pastor Willy purchase a new tricycle and donated funds to make it happen.  Pastor Bazile, our dear friend and coordinator in Cap Haitien, took care of the details in getting Pastor Willy his new tricycle.

Imagine hand-pedaling this tricycle 5 miles.  Pastor Willy did to say "thank you" to Truth Connect.

I was in Cap Haitien last week with Rich Rohde and a Mission Discovery team.  Pastor Willy again hand-pedaled his new tricycle 5 miles in order to see his friends and to say thank you for his "new ride in Cap Haitien."