Friday, January 31, 2014

India LTC - Conference 2 Begins

After finishing our work with Dr. Sam and Star Open Bible Ministries, we moved to another part of Hyderbad for the second of three conferences.

Dr. Sam & Esther, Hepzibah & Jeffrey - wonderful hosts to the Schreiers.

Pastor Moses Kancharla and his family met us at our hotel with flowers and great joy.  After a time of fellowship and prayer, they hopped on the family motor bike for the 20 kilometer ride home.

Kancharla family (left to right) - Ratneh, Joshua, Moses, Enosh.
Truth Connect’s second annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) - Hyderbad was held January 20 - 22, 2014.  Pastor Moses was the host Pastor and event coordinator.  Rehoboth Baptist Church (RBC) was the site for the second annual LTC that 127 church leaders attended. 

India Leadership Training Conference - 127 participants!

Pastor Zephaniah, RBC pastor, his family and church members worked daily to provide lunch and a comfortable environment for conference participants. 

Church ladies prepare lunch for conference participants.

Delicious food cooked on site.

Karen visits with the ladies in the kitchen.

The next few posts I'll be sharing various aspects of the LTC.  This church is located in a slum area, I'll take you on a walk through the community.