Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Community Tour - India Leadership Training Conference

Truth Connect's India Leadership Training Conference (LTC) was held at Rehoboth Baptist Church located in a slum area of Hyderbad.  Pastor Moses coordinated the logistics of the LTC.  When Karen and I arrived for the first day of the LTC, we took a walk through the community.  Here are some of the things we saw.

Dr. Don and Pastor Moses walking through community hosting the LTC.

Power line tangle serving the people in slum.

Pretty little girl in front of a medical clinic.

Medical clinic, hair salon and tailor.

The market comes to you in this community.

Tuk-tuks are 3 wheeled motored taxis - this one carried man and goat.

Camel pulled wagons are common.

After walking around the community we made our way back to where Rehoboth Baptist Church meets in the rented top floor of this building.  There is no roof over the church therefore church members installed a tent top to offer shade as we met underneath.

Rehoboth Baptist Church meets on top level under the tent top.

View from under the tent of Rehoboth Baptist Church.

Community children welcomed our Leadership Training Group.