Friday, April 25, 2014

Evangelistic Outreach - Port de Paix, Haiti

Truth Connect was in Port de Paix, Haiti in April 2014 to conduct a Leadership Training Conference (LTC) during the day.  Each evening a community evangelistic outreach was held in town at a public school amphitheater.  The outreach was sponsored by the New Haitian Mission Baptist Association (NHMBA).  Dr. Cherelus Exante is the founder and president of the association.  There are a number of churches in Port de Paix that are part of NHMBA.  These churches get the word out about the evangelistic outreach and invite family and friends for the week-long event that hosts numerous church choirs, singing group and international speakers.  The focus of the outreach is to share the love of God in Jesus Christ and tell people how they can be forgiven of their sins and find eternal life.  Truth Connect's ministry team of seven men participated in the outreach.  Ed Miller led the International Men's Singing Group - they were enthusiastically received.  Dr. Donald Schreier and Dr. David Pitkins preached on separate evenings.  There was a tremendous response to God's Word and invitation of grace and love.  Throughout the week, hundreds came forward for salvation, repentance,  healing, and prayer.  Jesus Christ was the focus of the outreach for in Him alone is people's only hope of a restored relationship with God (John 14:6).

Pastor Exante speaks to the crowd at the evangelistic outreach.

Hundreds attended the week long outreach.

A number of church choirs sang.
International Men's Group - (left to right) Jerry Whysong, Nick Zindash,
Larry Eshleman, Jim Rummel and Ed Miller with guitar.
Dr. Don preaching with Pastor Anthony interpreting.

Dr. Pitkins preaching with Pastor Anthony interpreting.
After the music and preaching, an invitation is given,  "Come to Jesus for forgiveness and help." 

Pastor Exante calls people to come and find hope and healing through faith in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Exante lays hands on people and prays.
Ed Miller with a man who came forward for prayer.