Monday, April 28, 2014

Ocean Baptisms In Northern Haiti

Truth Connect was in Haiti for a Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in April, 2014.  Each day of the LTC the Truth Connect team ministered to church leaders (see earlier blog-posts).  Each evening the ministry team participated in a community evangelistic outreach.  At the end of the week a baptism was conducted for new believers.  Early on Saturday morning, 19 converts and their families gathered on the north shore of Haiti to witness this very public obedience to and identification with Jesus Christ.   Pastor Exante and Dr. Don conducted the baptisms in the ocean and were assisted by the pastors of the New Haitian Mission Baptist Association.

Truth Connect Ministry team on their way to a baptism.

Early in the morning there are plenty of people at the beach.

Do you see her?  We almost stepped on her!

Those to be baptized line up in the surf.

Pastor Exante and Dr. Don work together to baptize this Jesus follower.

Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

After baptism each person is wrapped in a white sheet to symbolize their cleansing and new life in Christ Jesus.  Dr. Don gives a word of encouragement and blessing.