Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Baptized In Hyderabad, India ~ January 2015

Truth Connect helped baptize five Indian Christ followers in January 2015.  The baptisms followed two training conferences in Hyderabad, India.  The Leadership Training Conference (LTC) had over 110 church leaders attend the three day conference (see earlier blog-post).  The three day Spiritual Life Conference (SLC) was hosted by Pastor Moses and Berea Baptist Church.  The baptisms were a result of God's grace and the fruit of this church's ministry.  Pastor Moses invited Don to teach on the meaning of Christian baptism at the pre-baptismal service.  He and Pastor Moses then conducted the baptism in a near-by water cistern.  What a beautiful and joyous event that glorified the Lord Jesus Christ.

Don teaches on the meaning of Christian baptism ~ Pastor Moses translates into Telugu.

Don and Pastor Moses in water cistern with a young man to be baptized.

Church and family members look down into the cistern to witness the baptisms.

After the baptism, those baptized met with the church for a fellowship meal.