Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Indian Pastor Comments On the Value & Benefit of 2015 Conferences

Truth Connect conducted two conferences in Hyderabad, India in January 2015 (please see earlier posts).  A three day Spiritual Life Conference was held at Berea Baptist Church where over 100 Christians gathered daily to study the book of Romans.  Then a three day Leadership Training Conference (LTC) was held on the campus of Operation Mobilization where over 110 leaders gathered daily for encouragement and training.   Dr. Donald Schreier, President of Truth Connect, was the teacher for both the SLC and LTC.  Pastor Moses was the coordinator for both conferences.  The following letter is from Pastor Moses to Truth Connect.  In it he shares post-conference comments from participants who expressed the value and benefit they received from the training.  To God be the glory!

Don & Pastor Moses (right of Don) at "tea time" with LTC participants.

February 2015

Dear Dr. Don,
President, TC.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I Hope you have reached home in safe and hope Ms. Karen is well. We have been praying for your health and safe journey.

Leaders in Andhra Pradesh are blessed as TC is doing it's work in this place. I am overwhelmed with the praise and appreciation from the attendees of  LTC & SLC, Brother Neelabram told, "I was weeping when Dr. Don was teaching us the qualities of Leadership. The Holy  spirit convicted me to dedicate my life for His work. I am blessed".  Brother Raju told me, "Dr Donald's teaching had an effect on my spiritual life - to do the Lord's work effectively".  Many other praised [about the LTC].

Your vivid description of the Scripture has attracted all the people. Even the SLC attendees were encouraged and some of the church members decided to share the Gospel. Previously, they were ashamed of the Gospel but now they are ready to share boldly.

I believe you are a blessing to the church in Andhra Pradesh, it is my prayer TC will be a blessing to India in future. You have used relevant illustrations which helped us to grasp the things.

We praise God for TC, and you who is kind and loving towards the Church in Andhra Pradesh.  Also, you were compassionate towards me and the leaders in Andhra Pradesh, India.  

It is my humble prayer to the Lord almighty, "May He strengthen you and TC for the expansion of His kingdom all over the world."

Keep on praying for us.

In His Grace
Pastor Mose. Kancharla