Truth Connect was in Africa for three weeks to train leaders in Kenya and Uganda. Two very successful Leadership Training Conferences (LTCs) were taught in Kenya (see previous posts). The third and final LTC was taught in Kikonge, Uganda - about an hour's drive west of Kampala. The two day conference was hosted by Pastor Augustine in the church's large, pole and tarp covered worship center. The people were so excited to attend the LTC and oftened clapped and cheered during the presentation - happy to receive the Word of God guided by the Holy Spirit. Each afternoon heavy rains fell causing large puddles to form in the tarps overhead ~ men had to climb the structure's pole framework and push out the heavy water dangerously pooling above. In spite of the challenges, 152 certificates were awarded at the close of the LTC. Pastor William Bukenya, co-director of Raising Up Hope for Uganda (RUHU), has been instrumental in bringing Truth Connect LTCs to Uganda.
Pastor Augustine, his wife and little one. |
Church in Kikonge, Uganda where Truth Connect's Leadership Training Conference was held. October 24-25, 2018. |
Kikonge, Uganda LTC was a huge success!! October 2018. |
Dr. Don teaching biblical leadership principles with the excellent help of an interpreter. |
The people were so eager to hear the Word of God ~ they often clapped and cheered when they learned a new truth or principle. God really spoke and encouraged these believers. |
LTC participants are so proud of their certificates. October 2018. |
Men climb the pole structure and push out the water collecting in heavy pools on the tarps. |
Francis helped Dr. Don with pictures at the Uganda LTC. October 2018. |
Pastor William Bukenya serves as co-director of Raising Up Hope for Uganda (RUHU). He is also Truth Connect's ministry coordinator in Uganda. October, 2018. |