Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dehra Dun, India. 1.22.13.

Dehra Dun is in northern India near the foothills of the Himalaya mountains.  Pastor Ray and I spent five days in Dehra Dun visiting Dr. George Chavanikamannil, the founder of New Theological College (NTC).  The 25 five year old Bible school trains men and women to be ministers (pastors, teachers, missionaries, etc.).  

Dr. Donald Schreier & Dr. George Chavanikamannil with the Himalayas in the background.

Dr. George, better known as “Uncle George” (uncle is a term of respect and endearment ) on campus, was a doctoral classmate of mine at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.  Ever since I learned of George’s work in northern India, I wanted to visit him there.  It took a few years but I finally made to Dehra Dun and NTC.  What an impressive work!

NTC Campus

Uncle George is such a kind and gracious host.  He asked Pastor Ray to preach on Sunday at NTC’s church service.  Ray spoke to about 400 students, faculty, staff and community visitors.  It was a wonderful time of worship and praise.

Pastor Ray preaching on Sunday at NTC.

On Monday I spoke in the school’s chapel service.  It was a joy to address the students and faculty.  Later, Ray and I both spoke in two different classes.  I remember well my days in college and seminary and so I sought to encourage the students to persevere and work hard as it’s a good Kingdom investment and God will reward them.  

Dr. Don sharing in a class at NTC.  

New Theological College is a very impressive work of God.  It is a strategic gospel outreach center for Jesus Christ in the middle spiritual darkness. The 25 acre campus is situated at the base of the Himalaya mountains.  The highly qualified staff are dedicated to training the next generation of church leaders.

Pastor Ray, Uncle George, Dr. Don
My next post will take you to the Ganges river and a village of Dalits who are snake handlers.