Monday, January 21, 2013

Hyberbad, India Update. 1.21.12

The Hyderbad Leadership Training Conference (LTC) averaged 40 pastors and leaders a day.  The LTC was hosted by Pastor Moses and the Berea Baptist Church.  The first session was a time for Pastor Ray and me to get to know the pastors.  Each one shared about the ministry, their family and preparation for ministry.  Most of them have received at least minimal training but a few had not been trained at all.  This knowledge helped Ray and me better serve and teach our seminars.

Pastors from the Hyderbad area come for training.

Pastor Ray was able to share from a wealth of ministry experience as he has served at Emmanuel Church in Johnstown, PA for 30 years.  He taught from Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” and his messages were very well received. 

Pastor Ray teaching through Telugu interpreter, Pastor Moses.

My messages focused on Christ’s great commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.  My challenge to the leaders was to make disciple-makers and challenge every Christian in their church to be a disciple maker.  

Don and seminar participant.

At lunch time each day we enjoy a delicious meal prepared by the ladies.  They began preparing the food early each morning in order to serve the 40 plus participants. The meals were very good and very spicy.  I want to thank our Truth Connect and Emmanuel Church donors for helping to feed the church leaders.  

These ladies prepared excellent meals for the church leaders.

Two pastors enjoying lunch.  It is the custom to eat with your fingers.
At the end of the our time at Berea Baptist Church they had an appreciation / farewell service for Pastor Ray and me.  Pastor Moses and the church were so kind and gracious to us.  They gave us a traditional shawl and then a garland of flowers to honor us.  It was a very, very special send-off.

Don & Ray each receive a shawl and garland in honor and thanks for their ministry.

The church has invited us to come back to encourage and teach the church.  Pastor Moses has asked me to establish a Truth Connect training center for pastors here.  I will pray and seek the Lord’s guidance.

Church leaders who attended the leadership training seminars.

In my next blog I’ll be sharing from northern India near the foothills of the Himalayas.