Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Haiti Gospel Outreach

Every spring for the past 18 years Pastor Cherelus Exante has held an evangelistic outreach in Port de Paix. Located on the north coast, it is Haiti’s third largest city with a population of about 250,000.  The need is so great for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed here.
Pastor Exante addressing the people at the Evangelistic Outreach

Pastor Exante praying over this man for a healed heart and body.

Don has preached at this outreach for the past 14 years.  This year he partnered with Rich Rohde and a Mission Discovery team.  Each evening 1,000 Haitians gathered in a city school’s outdoor amphitheater for spirited worship and praise followed by an evangelistic message.  An invitation to follow Jesus Christ was given each night.  By the end of the week 125 new believers were welcomed into the family of God! Many others came for  restoration and God’s special help.  It was a wonderful week and the answer to many prayers!

Dr. Schreier preaching with Telford, his interpreter.

Each night of the outreach hundreds came to praise God and hear His Word.

Missionaries praying for those who came to follow Jesus Christ by faith.  By the end of the 8 night outreach 125 people would trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins and new life in Him!