Monday, March 4, 2013

A New Soul in Seoul, Korea

New life - a new soul!  On February 10th Jace Michael was born to Gretchen and Michael Swinger.  Gretchen is our daughter.  She and Michael live in Seoul where he teaches high school Algebra.  This is their 6th year in Seoul - only God knows how long they'll serve Him there.

Karen was with them for three weeks to help with our two granddaughters while the family made the adjustment to new baby Jace.  I was in Seoul for a week to see my new grandson and all the family.

Gretchen & Michael,  Madi (2 yrs),  Jace (3 weeks),  Alina (4 yrs)
Truly we are blessed of the LORD and we give Him thanks and praise for his goodness and favor to us. Thank you Lord Jesus!