Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Go Make Disciples, Pt 1

     Take this quiz and see you how well you do.  1. How many people live on planet earth?  2. How many people are Christians?  3. How many people have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and are considered “unreached”?  Don’t know the answers?   I’m not surprised as we don’t normally think about our world like this.  But the questions are important in light of Jesus’ command to, “Go ... and make disciples of all nations”  (Mt. 28:18-20).  

Indian snake charmer, an "out caste" in need of Jesus.

     This passage is often referred to as the Great Commission (GC).  Before we look at the GC and the  “numbers” we need to look closer at two key words in the GC: “nations” and “disciples.”   The word most often translated “nation” and “Gentile” is the New Testament Greek word ethne.  We get our word “ethnic” from it and understand it as people groups that have a common ancestory, language and culture.  Some people groups like the Chinese are very large and others like the Awa are very small.   Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all ethnic people groups no matter where they are on the planet.  Check out this web site for great information on ethnic people groups and the Status fo World Evangelization:

Kenyan orphans need Jesus.
     Jesus wanted disciples not just converts and there is a big difference. Converts experience a change of heart but lack depth, training and experience - they are “babes”  (1 Cor. 3:1).   A “disciple” is a convert and more.  The most common definition for a disciple is a “follower.” Jesus had plenty of followers; many were unbelievers and just curious.  Jesus always called the curious to believe in Him for forgiveness and salvation. When challenged to believe in Jesus as Savior, many walked away from Jesus (Jn. 6:66).  But those who believed and walked with Jesus became committed disciples. That is the goal for you and me - to be committed disciples of Christ.

Haitians praying to Jesus Christ.

     The most accurate definition of a disciple is a “learner.”  Disciples learn to be like Jesus in three key areas:  love (Jn. 13:35), sacrificial living (Mt. 16:24), and obedience (Jn. 14:15).  A disciple’s love for God and for people is what demonstrates they are a follower of Jesus Christ.

New Haitian believers obeying Christ's command to be baptized.

     Disciples are commanded by Jesus to make disciples of all ethnic people groups.  How do disciples make disciples?  And, just what difference does it make in the world?  We’ll discuss this in an upcoming post.  I would encourage you to read Dale Losch's book  A Better Way for a more complete explanation of this.  He is credited with unpacking the term "disciple" used here.

     Now, let’s look at the answers to the Quiz.  How is the Church doing with making disciples of all nations?  The answers help us to see the status of World Evangelism.  
  1. About 7 billion people live on earth.  
  2. About 700 million or 11% are saved Christians.  About 2.3 billion or 32% have never had a clear presentation of the gospel, although it is nearby.   Another 1.6 billion or 23% have some knowledge of the gospel but are not saved. 
  3. About 2.4 billion or 34% have no Christian witness within their people group area and are considered unreached.

    Over half of the world has little or no gospel witness.  Acts 4:12 says, “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that been given among men by which we must be saved.”  That name is Jesus Christ.

    Making disciples is key to reaching the world for Jesus Christ.  What is your role?  It might not be what you think!  Stay tuned!