Friday, August 16, 2013

Do Stuff

I have a confession:  I'm a bibliophile.  It's true, I love books.  Actually, I love learning new ideas, ancient wisdom, and just knowledge in general.  OK, I feel better now that I've unloaded that.

A few months ago a friend recommended a book to me titled: "Love Does" written by Bob Goff.  I got the book and started to read the short, humorous stories that always ended with a bit of wisdom or insight.  I shared one funny story with my wife and that was the last I saw of the book for a month or so  as she claimed and consumed it.

As Providence would have it, I heard Bob Goff speak last week at the Global Leaders Summit put on by Willow Creek Association.  All of the speakers were excellent and provided deep insight into their areas of expertise.  Bob's presentation was amazingly energetic, effervescent and enlightening.  I thought, "This guy is like a can of Coke someone vigorously shook and popped the top!"  As I heard Bob tell his stories, his book "Love Does" came alive to me.  I thought, "This guy is for real!"

One story in particular endeared Bob to me.  He serves as the Consul for Uganda and travels there often.  He told the story of how a young boy was attacked and mutilated by a witch doctor.  The boy survived and was able to identify his attacker.  Bob, a lawyer, successfully prosecuted the case and the attacker received a 50 year prison sentence.  A US plastic surgeon helped to repair the damage done to the boy.  And amazingly, God used Bob to eventually lead the witch doctor to a saving faith in Jesus Christ!  And even more amazingly, the converted witch doctor, with Bob at his side,  shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with 3,000 of his fellow inmates in that Ugandan prison!  Bob said to us, "Isn't that just like Jesus!"  How true; Jesus came to seek and to save the lost ... wherever they are.

As Bob closed his presentation at the GLS, he said, "Do stuff!  I have found that when I just go and do stuff, good things happen."  I have taken his words to heart.  When I procrastinate about this or that, I am just going to do something.  I'm going to "Do stuff."