Monday, August 26, 2013

Go Make Disciples, Pt 2

     Jesus’ “Great Commission” (GC) to His followers is to, “Go ... and make disciples of all nations”  (Mt. 28:18-20).  A disciple is one who follows Jesus and learns to love, sacrifice and obey the way He did.  Jesus commands disciples to be made of “all nations” or ethnic people groups.  How?

     The Apostle Paul described it like this, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful people who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2).  In other words, pour into others what is being poured into you!  

     There are three key elements to disciple-making.  First is love of the truth; the Bible is the content.  There is no other book or program that can substiture for the Bible.  Second is love for people; loving relationships are the context of disciple-making.  Third is living life; that is, making disciples where people live and work. Wherever you live and work is your opportunity to obey Christ’s command to make a disciple.  

     Disciple-making is the only way the church can fulfill the GC to reach all ethnic people groups.  Converts cannot get the job done - disciples can.  Every committed Christian is needed to make disciples.  It is not a job just for the clergy or missionaries - there are not enough!  You are needed!

     There are 7 billion people on the planet!  Over half of them have not clearly heard the gospel or even know the name of Jesus Christ (see Act 4:12).   Will you become a disciple-maker?  You don’t need a Bible school certificate.  Jesus’ disciples were common people - fishermen, farmers, a government worker, etc.  They were committed followers who walked with Jesus - and they literally turned the world up-side down (Acts 4:13; 17:6).  

     True Christianity is not a spectator sport - you must get involved.  Jesus commands us to make disciples and He blesses us for it.  Why not pray and ask God for one person you can love, encourage and walk with for the purpose of making a disciple.

    Truth Connect’s mission is to educate and encourage disciple-makers where they live.  Our passion is to ignite disciple-makers!