Friday, March 28, 2014

Report From Indian Church Leader

Pastor Moses Kancharla, Hyderbad, India gives report on Truth Connect LTC.

Dear Dr. Don,

    I was reflecting on your teaching from Matthew 16:14-20 and Jesus’ words, “Who do you say that I am?”  I was comforted by this teaching.  I began to ask people this same question - by this I got a chance to share the Gospel. Thank you so much and may God strengthen Truth Connect for this great work.  Whenever I meet people who attended the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) they share their blessings and show thankfulness to Truth Connect.  

      Before the LTC, at least 15 leaders said they were planning to quit their ministries or churches because the obstacles were too great and they were too discouraged to continue.  Some have no place to meet, others have no materials or Bibles, others face persecution and others have little or no money to press on.  But at the LTC, when you taught the words of Jesus, “I will build my church and the gates of hades will not overpower it” (Mt. 16:18) - they took courage to continue and persevere in Jesus name - knowing that Jesus will build His church.  Thank you for encouraging us .  We thank God for His Word and Holy Spirit.  You have encouraged us.  Thank you!   Pastor Moses