Monday, September 8, 2014

Cap Haitien LTC, August 2014, Part II

Truth Connect's Cap Haitien Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in August, 2014 included a new feature - "Preschool Teachers' Training."  Kim Smith, assisted by husband Scott, partnered with TC to provided a specialized teachers' training.

Kim and Scott visited Cap Haitien in November of 2013 with their church's mission team.  While serving at the Alliance Church school in Limonade, God sowed a seed in Kim's heart - a "dream seed" to provide training for the teachers.  Kim contacted Don about the dream.  She and Scott were invited to join Truth Connect's August LTC.  Kim is a preschool teachers trainer by profession.  She brought a high level of expertise and enthusiasm to the preschool and elementary teachers in Limonade, Haiti.  It was a privilege for Truth Connect to help Kim and Scott take their God given dream from vision to reality.

Kim and Scott Smith, co-leaders and facilitators of preschool teachers' training in Haiti.

Scott speaks to the Haitian church leaders.

Kim teaches the teachers a Bible lesson while Pastor Bazile interprets.

Pastor Bazile gives Kim and Scott a token of his appreciation and thanks.

Kim and Scott have a dream.  Their dream is to encourage and teach teachers in order to help children gain a better education and thereby have a better life - all for God's glory.  Truth Connect provided a Kim and Scott with an opportunity to fulfill their dream.

What is your dream?  What "dream seed" has God sown in your heart "to be" and "to do" for Him?  Are you pursuing the dream?  The Bible says, "We walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:7); and, "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6).  Trust the Lord to bring the dream to reality!  Live by faith!  Be "all in" for the sake of Jesus Christ!