Monday, September 8, 2014

Haiti Evangelistic Outreach "Catches 176" for Christ!

Truth Connect participated in an evangelistic outreach when it was in Haiti August, 2014 for its annual Leadership Training Conference (see previous posts for LTC pictures and details).  The LTC was held each day at the Alliance Church in Limonade, a small town near Cap Haitien.  Each evening an evangelistic outreach was held in the same community.

Pastor Bazile was the outreach organizer and key leader.  He recruited local pastors and churches to participate in the big event.  The weeklong outreach was held in a goat pasture the size of a football field.  A five foot high concrete platform, about the size of a three car garage, was situated in the middle of the enclosed lot.  A local band that was hired set their equipment and large speakers on the platform.  Lights were hung on the platform and strung on poles out into the pasture.  And a rented, portable generator behind the platform powered all the equipment, lights, and speaker system.

Concrete stage in the middle of a goat pasture where the evangelistic outreach was held.

At about 7pm each evening a few people would saunter into the field.  Then when the band began to play gospels songs and cranked up the volume, it was the signal to the town's people that the event was starting.  Before long, people streamed through the rusted tin double doors at one end to the pasture.  They carried their plastic chairs on their heads with little children in tow.  Hawkers set-up shop on the perimeter and sold candy, chips,  and cold drinks.

People worshiping and praising God at the evangelistic outreach.

The people follow the worship leader by placing their hands on their head.

Dust rises as the people raise their chairs in praise and dance before the Lord.

After about 2 hours very enthusiastic and loud praise and worship, the preacher for the night would tell the amazing story of God's love for lost sinners.  Jesus Christ was faithfully preached and the truth was told about why people need a Savior.  The invitation was given at the end of each service for people to turn from their sins and to come for healing and hope and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ alone.  Many people came to publicly profess their faith in God's to proclaim Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Dr. Don preaching at evangelistic outreach.

The invitation was given and many people press to the platform for prayers and God's help.

New converts were brought onto the platform to publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ.
At the end of the week Dr. Don asked Pastor Bazile how many people came to faith in Jesus for the very first time.  Pastor Bazile's response was, "We catch 176 souls for Jesus!"  Praise the Lord!