Monday, November 3, 2014

Kenya Leadership Training Conference 2014 Awards 248 Certificates!

Truth Connect concluded its 2014 Kenya Leadership Training Conference (LTC) by awarding 248 certificates of participation.  Church leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Burundi attended the four day LTC in Langas, Eldoret, Kenya.  Word of Life Harvest Church (WLHC), led by Bishop Chris Luswetti, organized and hosted the LTC.  Truth Connect is very thankful for its partnership with Bishop Chris and WLHC.

Pastor Obed Maina read the names and certificates were awarded at the end of the LTC.

Dr. Pitkins congratulates this LTC participant.  LTC certificates are greatly prized and appreciated.

LTC participants proudly display the certificates. 

The women proudly show their certificates as Karen stands with them.

Youth leaders hold up their LTC certificates flanked by Dr. Don and Bishop Chris.