Monday, November 3, 2014

Truth Connect Donors Help Provide Food and Bibles for Kenya LTC 2014

Truth Connect is a faith ministry that operates solely by God's grace and His provision through faithful supporters of the ministry.  Donors gave so that the Kenya Leadership Training Conference (LTC) could take place and provide Bibles and food for the leaders in attendance.  Many of those who came from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi had little in the way of support and funding.  It was important that Truth Connect help provide food, pens and paper, study materials and Bibles for those attending the LTC.  Truth Connect gives thanks first and foremost to God for His gracious provision.  Truth Connect thanks all those who prayed and donated toward the Kenya LTC.

Cooks prepared large pots of rice and beans daily to feed 250 LTC participants.

Ahhh yes!  That tastes pretty good.

Thank you Truth Connect donors for helping to feed these church leaders.

There were a number of children of leaders who attended the LTC.

Dr. Don gave a new Bible to every LTC participant thanks to generous donors.

These leaders lift high their newly received Bibles.  Thank you TC donors!