Friday, August 24, 2012

God Is Talking - Who Hears? Who Listens?

God is talking.  Can you hear him?  The Bible says, “… the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Prov.2:6).  This wisdom is broadcasted loudly for any who want to receive it.  Scripture declares, “Wisdom shouts in the street, and she lifts her voice in the square” (Prov.1:20-21; see also Prov.8:1-3).  
If God is SHOUTING LOUDLY – in public, then why is it so hard to hear him?  Proverbs 1:22 reveals three types of people with hearing problems.  First is the “naïve” person.  This is the simpleton who says, “I don’t need to know any more.”  He dangerously stumbles into trouble time and again (Prov.1:32; 27:12).  Second is the “scoffer.”  She says, “I don’t want to know more.  It can’t help.”  Third is the “fool.”  He bellows, “There is no more to know.  I know it all.”  Whenever we become like one of these three types of people, even for a moment, any shout of wisdom is muted.  The only prescription for this “hearing” problem is found in Proverbs 1:23.  “Turn to my reproof, behold I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.”  Turning to God for forgiveness and healing in Jesus Christ is the remedy.  Can you hear Him now?
            But, how does God talk to us?  God is creative in everything he does.  He can communicate through any of our senses, not just our ears.  Here are some verses to ponder and learn how he speaks: through a donkey, Numbers 22:28-30; via ants, Proverbs 6:6; 24:30-34; through the heavens, Psalm 19; by the Holy Spirit, John 16:5-15; in Jesus Christ, Hebrews 1:1-2.  This list is not exhaustive but it should make you think and listen for him in a different ways. 
            When in Haiti, God spoke to me through a leaky roof and ten pencils.  In 1999 I visited a church-school in Port-de-Paix where God spoke to me through their difficult circumstances (Prov.24:32).  A first grade class only had 10 pencils for 20 children.  When it rained the roof leaked and the students had to move their benches.  The teachers had not been paid in three months because of the parents’ poverty.  God put it in my heart to do something (Prov.31:8-9).  The result is HOLD the children.   This program provides for needy children in poor countries to attend school in a uniform with a pencil (and more), to have a hot meal at school, and it helps pay the teacher.  If you would like to learn how you can sponsor a child and receive a tax deduction go to
            And God continues to speaksometimes, it’s a SHOUT as seen in Proverbs 1:20 – and sometimes, He whispers as described in 1 Kings 19:12 – and, He speaks all the time in the Bible.  And remember my friend, there is a difference between “hearing” and “listening.”  Jesus said most people could hear but only a few listened.  I love to hear my daughter talk to my two young granddaughters; she is so patient and good with them. And on the occasion when they misbehave, she will firmly say, "You must listen to Mommy and obey."  What good advice for God's children.  “Anyone who has ears should listen” (Matt. 13:9)!