Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bahamas Leaders' Conference, September 2012

Jesus said, “Go…make disciples of all nations, baptizing …, teaching them to observe everything I commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).  Truth Connect goes to third-world Christian leaders to provide training and encouragement to help them become more effective disciple-makers in their communities.
Nassau Leaders' Conference in March 2012.

September 25 to 30 I will return to the Bahamas for a conference with approximately 50 Haitian and Bahamian church leaders.  They have asked me to teach on global missions and biblical principles of leadership. They are hungry to learn what God is doing in the world and how they can be a part of it.  Please keep this training in your prayers.

In November Truth Connect will conduct leadership training seminars in Port-au-Prince and Port-de-Paix, Haiti.  These church leaders are eager and willing to participate but need your help.  Many of them will travel from outlying villages and stay with friends or sleep on church floors.  They have little or no money―some walk for days to attend these seminars.  Truth Connect would like to provide these church leaders with daily lunches and basic seminar supplies.  Please pray and consider sponsoring a pastor for $50; what a difference you could make in the life of a pastor and his church.
Don & Karen Schreier

Karen and I are so excited and thankful that God has called us to train and encourage disicple-makers in some of the poorest places on earth. Please continue to pray for us.  We appreciate so much your financial support of this ministry.  You have an important part in fulfilling Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations.”   

Please write out your tax-deductible check to "Truth Connect" and send to P.O. Box 5608, Johnstown PA, 15904.  Thank you for your prayers and financial support!